Saturday, October 1, 2016

Germanium Tetrachloride Application

Germanium tetrachloride is acclimated about alone as an average for several optical processes. GeCl4 can be anon anatomize to GeO2, an oxide bottle with several different backdrop and applications.

A notable acquired of GeCl4 is Germanium dioxide. In Fibre Optic manufacture, silicon tetrachloride, SiCl4 and germanium tetrachloride, GeCl4 are alien with oxygen into a alveolate bottle preform, which is anxiously acrimonious to acquiesce for blaze of the reagents to their corresponding oxides and accumulation of a bottle mixture. The GeO2 has a top basis of refraction, so by capricious the flowrate of germanium tetrachloride the all-embracing basis of refraction of the optical cilia can be accurately controlled. The GeO2 is about 4% by weight of the glass.

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